Five Notable Disruptions Blockchain Is Bringing To The World

11 Jul 2024

For some, blockchain technology is many things rolled into one, while for others, it is simply a complex, over-hyped technology that needs to be abstracted away into the background. Neither of these theses is totally wrong. Meanwhile, readers will be well advised to remember that when it comes to blockchain technology, there is only a thin line between reality and hype.

This article focuses on the reality of blockchain as an emerging technology, a silent disruptor, and a potential catalyst for transformation in human society. Blockchain technology, often the subject of headlines due to its association with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is quietly weaving its magic into a tapestry far more intricate than just digital coins.

At its core, blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that offers a secure, transparent, and decentralized way of recording and tracking data. How is this unique set of features fundamentally changing the way we interact with information and conduct transactions across a diverse range of industries? Let’s find out!

Financial Transformation: Cutting Out the Middleman

The traditional financial system is built on a third-party custodial model, which allows financial institutions like banks to act as custodians of your money and other valuable assets. As third-party intermediaries, they manage your accounts, facilitate transactions, and provide financial services. While this system offers some advantages such as security and convenience, its setbacks include high transaction costs, limited control, and limited access.

The emergence of blockchain technology has disrupted this model by facilitating peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions without the need for a central authority. Do you remember the last time you received money from a friend or relative who lives in another country? As you might be aware, this process typically involves an international wire transfer, a high transaction fee, and usually takes days to complete. Blockchain cuts out the middlemen by enabling peer-to-peer transactions on a blockchain network.

The transaction is recorded on a public ledger, accessible to all participants, ensuring transparency and immutability. This eliminates the need for intermediaries, reduces costs significantly, and speeds up the entire process. In a 2022 report, Accenture found that RippleNet can potentially save financial institutions an average of 70% on cross-border payments. This not only benefits banks but also opens up financial services to unbanked populations who previously lacked access to traditional banking systems.

Supply Chain: Tracking The Dots

The supply chain industry continues to grapple with certain setbacks emanating from the movement of goods through complex and demanding logistics. In most cases, this process is fraught with errors, fraud, and inefficiency. Blockchain addresses this problem through a tamper-proof record of every step a product takes, from its origin to its final destination.

Picture this: a coffee business seeking to ensure the sourcing of its coffee beans. Traditionally, authenticating the source could pose a significant challenge, leaving room for doubt and exploitation. Leveraging blockchain can help track the journey of this produce from the point of harvesting to the time of its processing, packaging, and transporting, with each process stored on a shared public ledger.

Example: Tracking Diamonds

The diamond industry, known to be historically opaque, has benefited from blockchain technology. Everledger, a diamond company, estimated that its platform has tracked more than 4 million diamonds throughout the supply chain leveraging blockchain technology. It does so by assigning each diamond a unique digital identity linked to its origin, characteristics, and ownership history, allowing consumers to verify the authenticity and ethical sourcing of their diamonds.

Decentralized Video Streaming

Decentralized Video Streaming (DVS) is a major disruptor in the traditional video streaming landscape. Let's explore this disruption using Replay as a case study.

Traditional video streaming relies on centralized servers owned by companies like Netflix or Hulu.

This model has its advantages, like content curation and ease of use. However, it also comes with drawbacks such as centralized control, censorship and geoblocking, and profit sharing.

Traditionally, it is extremely difficult to ensure that the music is not pirated and the musician receives royalties whenever it is played. Leveraging blockchain, the musician can tokenize their album and create a unique digital token for each copy. These tokens can be tracked and monitored, ensuring the musician receives a fair compensation.

Replay As a Case Study

Replay is a decentralized video streaming platform that uses blockchain technology to address the challenges of video licensing and tracking in the current streaming landscape. It proposes a solution to ensure transparency and efficiency for all stakeholders, including creators, viewers, and partners.

  • Creators can upload content and receive compensation for views.
  • Viewers can earn rewards by watching content and engaging with the platform.
  • Partners can leverage Replay's technology to distribute their content.

Rewarded.TV is the first streaming service built on Replay's technology.

Identity Management: From Passwords to Portable Identities

Blockchain has the capacity to revolutionize identity management by creating a secure, seamless, and portable digital identity. This digital identity would be stored on a blockchain network, accessible only by the user with a private key. It usually contains verifiable information about the individual, such as name, date of birth, and educational qualifications.

Picture this: a world where you don't need to remember countless passwords or fill out lengthy forms every time you sign up for a new service. With blockchain-based digital identity, you could grant access to specific pieces of your information to different entities. This eliminates the need for centralized databases of personal information and reduces the risk of identity theft.

Example: Estonia's Blockchain Identity System

Estonia, a small nation in Europe, has been experimenting with a blockchain-based digital identity system since 2016, making it a pioneer in this field. Estonian citizens can use their digital ID to access various government services, sign documents electronically, and even vote online.

This system has been hailed for its security, convenience, and efficiency. The success of Estonia's program demonstrates the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize identity management on a global scale. By providing individuals with control over their data and streamlining verification processes, blockchain can usher in a new era of secure and user-centric identity management systems.

Blockchain Voting: Enhancing Trust and Security

The integrity of elections is paramount in a thriving democracy. However, traditional voting systems can be vulnerable to fraud, rigging, and technical difficulties. Blockchain's secure and transparent nature makes it a potential game-changer for voting systems around the world. Imagine a secure online voting platform built on blockchain technology. Voters could cast their ballots electronically, with the entire process recorded on a public ledger.

This would ensure the immutability of votes and provide a verifiable audit system. Moreover, blockchain can eliminate the need for physical polling stations, potentially increasing voter turnout and making the voting process more accessible.

Example: West Virginia's Pioneering Blockchain Voting Program

West Virginia conducted the first-ever public blockchain voting pilot program in the United States in 2020. Although limited in scope, the program allowed overseas military personnel to cast their votes securely through blockchain technology. The program highlighted the potential of blockchain to enhance the security and accessibility of elections.


Blockchain technology is still in its early stages of development, but its disruptive potential is vast. As the technology advances with various use cases, we can expect to see even more far-reaching changes across various industries. The key to harnessing the power of blockchain lies in its ability to foster trust and transparency.

By eliminating the need for intermediaries, streamlining processes, and empowering individuals with control over their data, blockchain promises to usher in a more efficient, secure, and inclusive future. Finally, it is crucial to develop robust regulations and ensure equitable access to this transformative technology.